When Momming is Hard
Yesterday was not my best mama day.
I don’t know if it was hormones, a lack of sleep, the fact that Bruce was clingy & whiney, the messy house, the feeling of not having enough hours in the day, overwhelm from the opportunities, challenges, & paths presented by my business, a pandemic still ravaging our country, the clothes that have been sitting in the washing machine for days, the fruit flies taking over our kitchen, or all of the above.
But oh man. I snapped more times than I can count. I had waves of rage and exhaustion sweep over me more times than I can count. More than once, I impatiently barked, “What, what, what?!?!” at Bruce when he communicated his own unease to me.
I usually am so good about honoring & responding appropriately to Bruce when he’s having a rough day. His brain is still under construction & he simply can’t act rationally all the time. But me? I’m 32 years old. My brain is fully developed. I have the capacity to calm my impulses. But does that mean I have to do that 100% of the time? Is it healthy to keep that lid screwed on so tight all the time?
A couple of moms reached out to me yesterday night, explaining their overwhelm. Sometimes we need that reminder that we’re not alone. Though these women reached out to me for support, I needed it just as much. We’re human. We’re not meant to be efficient, perfectly operating machines. We’re raw and tattered at times. Exposed and vulnerable. Sometimes we need a moment of quiet and peace to repair and reset. Other times we need community and connection to recharge and reboot.
We are not alone. When momming is hard, remember to reach out to your village. And if you don’t have a village that lifts you up and inspires the crap out of you, then join us here and find little scraps of magic to add some sparkle to that grit.