Women’s Circles & Soundbaths

in Cleveland, Ohio

Upcoming Circles & Soundbaths

  • Women's Circle & Reiki Infused Sound Bath: The Power of Transitions

    5/16/24, 6:30-8:30pm @S’il Vous Play in Cleveland Heights

    We often look at liminal spaces in our lives as times when we're falling apart or off our game. The truth is, there is so much power in our transitions.

    While we may not be birthing something new or gaining recognition for the completion of something, we are in process... we are nourishing ourselves back to steadiness.

    In Circle, we will explore this concept further & relate it back to Beltane (one of the 8 sabbats from the Pagan Wheel of the Year). Beltane, which falls on May 1, marks the midway point between Spring & Summer. It is a time to celebrate the coming of light.

    Take a couple of hours to tap into the magic that the transitions in our lives hold alongside sisters in your local community, in the beautiful & enchanting S'il Vous Play in Cleveland Heights.

    There will be quiet reflective time, invitations for group sharing, & a restorative meditation & sound bath.

  • Women's Circle & Reiki Infused Sound Bath: Summer Solstice

    6/20/24, 6:30-8:30pm @S’il Vous Play in Cleveland Heights

    Summer Solstice. A time for birthing, celebrating, and basking in the beauty of life.

    The summer solstice is the day with the longest period of light and shortest night of the year, when the Sun is at its highest position in the sky.

    What in your life are you ready to bring to life? What has been growing & building inside of you through the autumn, winter, and spring months?

    Take a couple of hours to thoughtfully reflect & vision cast for the season ahead alongside sisters in your local community, in the beautiful & enchanting S'il Vous Play in Cleveland Heights.

    There will be quiet reflective time, invitations for group sharing, & a restorative meditation & sound bath.

  • Women's Circle & Reiki Infused Sound Bath: Your Intuition

    7/18/24, 6:30-8:30pm @S’il Vous Play in Cleveland Heights

    Your intuition is the guiding compass in your life. It's the gut feeling... the little whisper...the inner knowing. Often times, we supress it or ignore the important messages it offers us in favor of what we think we should be doing or what we perceive others to expect from us.

    Getting into harmony with your intuition can create so much ease in your life.

    Take a couple of hours to reflect on the ways your intuition has spoken to your over the years & to invite new ways to deepend your connection to it now. Best of all, do it alongside sisters in your local community, in the beautiful & enchanting S'il Vous Play in Cleveland Heights.

    There will be quiet reflective time, invitations for group sharing, & a restorative meditation & sound bath.

  • What is a Women's Circle?

    A Circle is a sacred space for women to intentionally gather & deepen connection to self & the collective.

    Women’s Circles have been around since ancient times, and while modern day circles may have a different flow, you can still expect ritual & ceremony to be a part of the experience. They're kind of like a gentle blend of group therapy & meditation with a heavy emphasis on connecting to our sacred & divine feminine. There is thoughtful, facilitated discussion & sharing, as well as time to lay back & receive music or channeled messages coming through to lovingly support you.

  • What Should I Bring?

    Yourself, with an open mind & open heart.

    A notebook & pen, yoga mat, blanket. A water bottle is recommended (no strenuous activity, but hydration is always important)!

    If you wish to dress in the spirit of the your divine feminine, you are fully encouraged to do so! No stress though-- come as you are, dress comfortably (pjs are welcome!) & travel as light as you wish.

    All will be well.

  • Cost & Available Spots

    There are 15 spots total.

    Tickets are $30 each.

  • What Will Be Provided?

    You will be welcomed by a simple, yet beautiful altar space with candles, flora, crystals, & oracle cards. We will gather in circle around it. You’ll also be provided with a light cushion. I’ll have some extra blankets, notebooks, & pens incase you forget!

Words from attendees

"The only ritual I always practice is attending Women’s Circles by Steph, of Little Scraps of Magic, LLC because these sacred nights truly align me. Despite practicing meditation for years, there was always some resistance within me preventing full surrender until I stepped into S’il Vous Play and into Steph’s magic. As someone who is always at women’s events and circles, I’ll recommend for every woman I know to drop into this particular circle at least once because something unexplainably transformational happens here especially. I have been to them all, and can vouch that here something touching happens. You can come with something very heavy and pour it into the circle to a safe space of understanding. You can sit down to be in stillness with yourself and amplify joy. You can sit in a circle just to be heard. We do this monthly. I can guarantee that this practice will strike some chord in you and will be transformational in some way - thinking, action or feeling."
