Oh, Motherhood: The Great Balancing Act of Life

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The Great Balancing Act

Motherhood calls on so many parts of us. At times it can feel like our bodies, minds, souls, and beings belong to someone else. At times our emotions don’t feel like their ours at all. At times we’re thinking of so many different things and mentally we’re so many different places, it can be hard to remember to breathe.

But breathing is essential. Space and time to be with yourself and your thoughts is vital.

The Great Balancing Act - Slowing Down

Slow down, mama. The dishes will be there tomorrow. The dust bunnies aren’t going anywhere. The phone calls and emails can wait. Your life cannot wait. Your peace and your joy shouldn’t have to be put on hold.

We often think that Motherhood asks us to do everything we were doing before we had children even better than we were doing it before, only now do it with a FRACTION of the time and sleep with which we did it before WHILE loving and caring for tiny humans. That’s effing CRAZY. Let go of that expectation. It doesn’t serve anyone. It robs us. It steals our enjoyment of the present moment. It takes away from the absolute gift and privilege that life and being a mama are.

The Great Balancing Act - Putting Things Down

The key to keeping balance? Putting things down when you feel unsteady. Pausing to breathe and find your footing. Inviting the magic to creep in & stay.

Stop adding more and stacking the plates higher and higher as you tip toe through life.

Put things down.

Put them down.

Put them down.

Put them down.

Put them down and dance.

📸 @darlingrosephotos


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